For years friends have been telling me to write a book. Every time I do something that is out of the ordinary, I have a friend who tells me that it is another chapter for the book I should be writing. Only only my closest friends know some of the things that I have done and some are known to everyone but with the expected distortions that come with rumors, second person story telling and even the newspapers. For now I am keeping my real identity secret as this is a personal project to document the real stories and explore other possibilities for publication.
Rather than "blog" this will be more of a journal of my past. Blogs are for computer geeks who love to rant and then bask in the glow of the comments of their readers. I don’t agonize about anyone’s opinions or feel the need to have glowing remarks about my writings. That might change at some point and if it does I will add a forum for comments and discussion. Still does not mean I will pay attention to them, but everyone likes a good discussion.
This will be written in bits and pieces as I get the time and inspiration. Because it is online and has a certain life, I will also be editing as I remember more details, have new insights and find editorial mistakes. There won’t be much of a chronological order to this as I will write on a certain event or period and then move to a different one. Eventually I will order things and work to transition events as my writings become more complete.
Because this is a personal project and part of my need to both set the record straight and reveal little known facts, I will be brutally honest about my actions and my thoughts on the behavior or others involved in the drama and farcical comedy that has been my life so far…and things do not seem to be settled yet so stay tuned…
Okay, here is some essential background on me. I am now 51 years old. I live in Reno Nevada now and have for the past four years. I moved here from the east side of the twin cities of St.Paul/Minneapolis where I lived most of my life before settling in here. I am divorced for over fourteen years and have no children. I am subsistent self-employed and work online for the most part. I live alone with the exception of a very spoiled adopted lop eared rabbit that seems to tolerate me as the human who feeds her. That is I in basic description now. You will learn as time goes on that I am much more than what I seem to be today.
As a individual that has been in marketing and business for over 35 years, I give a regular critique of experienced observation about advertising, online services and websites. Most blogs do not address the good, the bad and the down right UGLY stuff that is thrown to us everyday by the media. As a critic of advertising and the online world, I see my self as the bastard that yells, “the idiot has no clothes” when seeing some of the junk we are forced fed on TV, radio and online. However I will be the first to acknowledge when good work is done and do what I can to point that out.
So agree, disagree, complain, laugh and follow along. I love to hear back from anyone about their opinions and observations as well.
Oh, by the way...the ads on this site are companies and websites that happen to support me...for better or worse...enjoy!